Legal Notice

The FRANCISCO LARGO CABALLERO FOUNDATION (hereinafter “THE FOUNDATION”), is an entity of Spanish nationality registered in the Registry of Foundations, with address at Calle Colegios, Nº 7 28801, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid., and ID number G28707347

You can contact by sending an email to:

Protection of Data of a Personal Nature. Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27 (“General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR”) and Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data

To access the Privacy Policy, click on the following link: Information on the Privacy Policy.



THE FOUNDATION accepts no liability for security breaches that may occur, nor for any possible damage that may be caused to users’ computer systems (whether hardware or software), or files or documents stored in them. This applies whether it involves a consequence of the presence of viruses in the computer systems of users that are employed to connect to the services and contents of the websites, of the malfunctioning of browsers or of the use of outdated versions, or any other cause.

THE FOUNDATION does not guarantee the absence of errors for access to its websites, or in their content, or that the data included in them are necessarily up to date. However, THE FOUNDATIONwill employ its best efforts to avoid errors, and to correct or to update the pages as appropriate. And inform the users of about the terms of use:

  1. Any person accessing this website assumes the role of user , and is committed to the observance any provision of law which may be applicable.
  2. THE FOUNDATIONreserves for itself the right to modify any information that could appear on the website without any forewarning or previous information to the users. The publication on the website will be enough.
  3. THE FOUNDATION accepts no liability of any sort for, nor does it guarantee the quality, precision, reliability, correctness or moral acceptability of, the contents or services that page or pages with which the link is established may offer. Users assume exclusive responsibility for any consequences, harm or actions that may arise from accessing web pages with such hyperlinks.
    Any web page on which a hyperlink is set up may not contain any trademark, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive symbol belonging to THE FOUNDATION, other than those signs which form part of the hyperlink itself.
  4. In any case, THE FOUNDATION will remove any content that violates national or international law, morality or public order, immediately deleting the redirecton link to to the website, and will notify the competent authorities.
  5. THE FOUNDATION accepts no liability of any information and content displayed in forums, chats, blogs generators, comments, social networks or any other platform that allows the users independently publish content on the THE FOUNDATION´s sites.
  6. THE FOUNDATION´s sites  have been reviewed and tested to work properly. In principle, it can ensure the correct operation 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, THE FOUNDATION do not exclude the possibility that there are certain programming errors, or force majeure issues, natural disasters, maintenance tasks or similar circumstances that make impossible to access the website.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All the items forming this web-site, together with its structure and design, and also the logos, trademarks and other distinctive symbols appearing in it, are the property of THE FOUNDATION or its collaborators. They are protected by the laws of intellectual and industrial property and copyright.

The images and other graphic elements in the contents of the websites are likewise protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

THE FOUNDATION expressly prohibits framing or the use by third parties of any other mechanism whatsoever that alters the design, original configuration or contents of the websites.

Any use made of contents must respect the specific permissions or licences granted. Hence, their use, reproduction, distribution, publication, modification, and all other similar or analogous activities are totally forbidden, unless explicit prior authorization is obtained from THE FOUNDATION.

THE FOUNDATION authorizes total or partial reproduction of the texts and contents provided on the websites, if and only if each and every one of the following conditions applies in full:

  1. The integrity of the contents, documents or graphic elements used in this way is maintained.
  2. THE FOUNDATION is explicitly named as the source or origin from which this material is taken.
  3. The use is not for commercial purposes, with distribution, publication, modification or de-compilation being expressly prohibited.

All other forms of use of whatever kind must be notified to THE FOUNDATION , and prior and explicit authorization must be obtained for them from THE FOUNDATION.

With regard to quotations of third-party products and services, THE FOUNDATION fully recognizes the rights of industrial and intellectual property corresponding to their owners. Mere mention of them or their appearance on the websites does not imply any rights or liabilities in respect of them, nor does it imply any support, sponsorship or recommendation for them.

THE FOUNDATIONhereby formally states its full respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties. Hence, if you consider that any of our web pages may be infringing your rights, we request you to contact us (



The THE FOUNDATION‘s websites and its domains use cookies (small files of information that the server sends to the computers of those accessing the site) to ensure the correct functioning of the website and display of pages to users, as also to gather statistical information. For example to:

  • Remember your preferences and offer personalized service.
  • Analyze the browsing behavior ( which sections visits , where you click , etc. ).
  • Allow you to share content (such as products and campaigns ) on social networks.
  • Prevent fraudulent activities.
  • Maximize our websites security.

Some cookies are set by external companies (like Google ), we process the information to analize and improve the customer experience. At no time personal information are collected. Any cookie has a period longer than two years validity.

If you do not want these cookies to be stored, you can change your browser settings at any time. However, we don’t recommend you to turn off, because certain services of our website will not available. If you still prefer to disable third-party cookies click on the following links:

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

In the case of any dispute or conflict over the interpretation of the terms in this legal notification, the law applicable will be Spanish law. This will also be the case for any question relating to the services provided through these websites.

For the resolution of any conflict that may arise from visits to the websites or the use of services offered on them, THE FOUNDATIONand all users agree to subject themselves to the judges and courts of the place of residence of the user, provided that this is situated within Spanish territory and the user is bringing suit as a consumer. If this is not so, submission of cases will be through the courts of the City of Madrid (Spain).